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SREF record

The SREF record describes an instance, or an array of instances.

The header flags byte can have any of the following bits set.

MAGN 0x2

The SREF record contains the following fields:

bytes field name purpose
4 x x coordinate
4 y y coordinate
8 angle rotation angle, if ANGLE flag only
8 magnif magnification, if MAGN flag only
4 cols array columns, if ARRAY flag only
4 rows array rows, if ARRAY flag only
16 xy[4] aref points (like GDSII), if ARRAY flag only
? sname referenced structure name

If the ANGLE flag is set, the cell is to be rotated by an angle, in degrees, found in the record. If the MAGN bit is set, the cell is scaled by a value found in the record. If the REFLECT bit is set, the instance will be reflected about the x-axis, as in GDSII. If the ARRAY bit is set, the instance is arrayed, as in GDSII, where x, y, and xy give the three orientation points, as in a GDSII AREF record. Unless the corresponding bit is set, the corresponding data are not in the record.

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29