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TEXT record

A TEXT record can appear after a LAYER record has been issued. A TEXT record specifies a non-physical text object.

The header flags byte is an orientation code:

bits 0-1 rotate the text about the anchor
  00 no rotation
  01 90 degrees
  10 180 degrees
  11 270 degrees
bit 2 mirror y after rotation
bit 3 shift rotations to 45, 135, 225, 315 degrees
bits 4-5 horizontal justification, 00 left, 01 center, 10,11 right
bits 6-7 vertical justification, 00 bottom, 01 center, 10,11 top

Note that this is identical to the lowest byte of the Xic label flags (see C.2).

The TEXT record contains the following fields:

bytes field name purpose
4 x x position
4 y y position
4 width field width
? label label text
1 flags additional flags

The width gives the physical equivalent width of the text. The height is determined by the font used for rendering.

In order to accommodate additional flags, a flags byte is ``hidden'' behind the label text. The flags byte follows the null byte that terminates the text string. A null byte may be added following the flags byte to make the total byte count even. The flag bits are:

SHOW 0x1
HIDE 0x2
TLEV 0x4
LIML 0x8

These flags are described with the XprpXform pseudo-property in 10.1.2.

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29