This directory contains release notes, archives, and supplemental documantation for Xic, WRspice, and the WRspice device library. MarkJefferyNoiseMemoV2.pdf A write-up about using the WRspice "gauss" source for thermal noise modeling in the time domain. This is a cleaner scan than the original MarkJefferyNoiseMemo.pdf file, with added material. archive_relnotes Xic and WRspice release note archives. Gen2-manuals The manuals for the final Generation 2 Xic and WRspice releases (historical interest). Gen3-manuals The manuals for the final Generation 3 Xic and WRspice releases. model_docs Subdirectories contain manuals, release notes, benchmarking files, etc. for device models (mostly MOS) available in WRspice. verilog_manual.html.gz Verilog language documentation. wrsmanual-x.x.x.pdf Current WRspice manual in PDF format. Current WRspice manual in PostScript format. wrsmanual_html-x.x.x.tar.gz Current WRspice manual in HTML format. NEW! wrspice-cmcqa-... The Compact Modeling Council QA test scripts and reference data for WRspice and selected devices. wrspice_release_notes Recent WRspice release notes. xicmanual-x.x.x.pdf Current Xic manual in PDF format. Current Xic manual in PostScript format. xicmanual_html-x.x.x.tar.gz Current Xic manual in HTML format. xic_release_notes Recent Xic release notes